Friday, February 25, 2011

Today's money horror scope (true story)

The other day a friend had asked me if he could borrow some money to help pay his mortgage (true story).  First off he just lost his job, his wife was pregnant with their second child and they didn't have enough food.  So we helped him out, we bought him a few groceries and helped him fix a couple things around the house. 

He thanked me and invited me over to watch some UFC that same night, but that's when it started....
That's when he opened up and started showing me all the cool stuff he recently purchased like a $200 watch, a diamond necklace for his wife, a new couch and a $500 dollar stroller from Europe.  Which he admitted that he debated purchasing, but after he took it for a spin he said, "I just had to have it".

My heart sunk.

I couldn't believe someone would actually ask me to help them out with their mortgage payment when they could have easily done it themselves had they not purchased a bunch of dumb stuff.  The nerve!
My goal for you is to help you become smart with money.  If you have debt you need to subscribe because together we can help you become a non entitled citizen  (living with no government support).

Are you financially illiterate, in other words "dumb with money"?  Here's a quick test to find out how you are with money, just answer these few questions below:

First off, what's important to you?

I never have enough ___________?   Fill in the blank.

Is your house/apartment full of stuff (toys, clothes, gadgets etc..)?

Do you live paycheck to paycheck?

Do you go out to eat more than 1 time a week?

Do you owe more on your house than what it's worth?

If you answered yes to any of these questions or if you filled in the blank, you just may be dumb with money. Your priorities may be a little screwed up (don't get mad at me) it's true.  You tend to spend money on your wants instead of your needs.  Do your children really need a room full of toys that they never play with?  Do you really need a bedroom full of clothes?  Do you go out to eat a few times a week but still have a car payment?

Quit spending money on yourself and pay off the money you owe first.  k
The toys can come later.

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