Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's not about how much you make...

It's about how much you save.  It's a little saying my Grandma told me quite a few years ago that still rings true today or at least it should.  I see it far too often, people spending way beyond their means racking up credit card debt right and left.  Sometimes I just shake my head and wonder what in the world these people are thinking. 

I've come up with a quick cure for this. Really it's nothing new but it works very well.  Just move to another house.  You see it's not until you move do you realize how much crap you have.  And that's what most of it is too, crap. 

My wife has a motto that helps keep us pretty well organized and makes the house cleaning a WHOLE lot easier.  It's called, get rid of what you don't use.  If you don't use something for a year or two, get rid of it.  Someone else could probably use it plus it's one less thing you have to take care of around the house.  At first it may be a little hard to let go, after all you've had a lot of memories with that 10 year old pair of jeans in your closet that someday you hope to fit in again...  hint, hint.... get rid of it!

As I drove by a billboard the other day I seen a little slogan for Dave Ramsey's radio show called "Act Your Wage".  Which pretty much means quit spending money you don't have!  If you can't pay cash for it.. again.. you probably don't need it.

Next post I'll talk about some ways to save some money.